Support for our surrogates starts long before they are accepted into our program. The West Coast Surrogacy team is deeply committed to answering any and all questions from potential surrogates, which can range from practical to personal in nature. You may wonder, for example if surrogates grow too attached, or if surrogacy is even legal in your state. We are supportive of each query that comes in, and offer honest, educated, and unfiltered answers.

We’ve received all kinds of questions over the years, but if you have one (or more!) not answered below, please reach out to us.

We’re here to help - Contact WCS


Q: How much will I earn as a surrogate?
A: Surrogacy Agency benefit and compensation packages vary greatly, but WCS is proud to offer one of the highest surrogacy base fees in the country, along with itemized expenses and allowances for individual circumstances.

The average amount of compensation can range from $77,000 to $102,000 depending on experience and the individual arrangements.

The amount of compensation you receive depends on a few factors, including:

  • The state you live in (states like California have a high demand for surrogates, so the compensation is typically higher)
  • Whether you are a first-time surrogate or an experienced surrogate
  • Whether the pregnancy is single or results in multiples
  • Whether a C-section is needed
  • Lost wages (if applicable)
  • Unique/unexpected medical circumstances

Learn more about compensation here

Q: Will there be any costs to me as a surrogate?
A: Initially, you may have expenses related to obtaining and mailing your medical records, and traveling to your testing and screening appointments if you live locally. All other surrogate mother costs and fees are covered by the intended parents.

Q: Who pays for me to travel if I don’t live in California near the surrogacy agency or the intended parents?
A: The intended parents that you are matched with will pay any traveling expenses related to your surrogacy.


Q: How long does it take to be matched with intended parents?
A: Once you have completed the necessary paperwork and submitted your medical records to us for review, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a number of months to find a strong match for you. Our focus is to match you with an individual or couple based on your needs and desires, allowing you to have an experience that is both enriching and fulfilling.

Q: Does your surrogacy program work with single parents and gay couples?
A: Yes. West Coast Surrogacy believes that everyone has the right to be a parent, regardless of their marital status or sexual orientation.

Q: Can I be a surrogate if I am a single parent?
A: Yes. West Coast Surrogacy believes single mothers are just as capable of being surrogates as a woman who is married. If you are single, it is very important that you have some type of support system in place prior to committing to any surrogate program.

Q: Can I choose the individual or couple that I work with?
A: The decision to be a gestational surrogate for an individual or couple is mutually agreed upon by you and the other party. You will be presented with profiles of available intended parents from our surrogacy agency that meet your criteria and you will choose which individuals you would like to meet in person. The relationship between you and the parent(s) you work with is of the utmost importance to us. We take the matching process very seriously and your role in this process is paramount.

Q: Is surrogacy legal in my state?
A: If you are uncertain about the laws in your state regarding surrogacy, please call our office to speak with a representative.


Q: Can I be a surrogate if I don’t have health insurance?
A: Yes. If you do not have health insurance, a surrogate-specific medical plan may be purchased for you by the intended parents for the duration of your pregnancy.

Q: If I do have health insurance, will it be used for the surrogacy process?
A: Provided that your policy specifically and clearly states there is no exclusion for a surrogate pregnancy, your plan may be used with your consent.


Q: How long should you wait after a previous delivery to become a surrogate mother?
A: To help ensure a healthy pregnancy, it is recommended to wait 10-12 months after a vaginal delivery and at least 12 months after a cesarean section before attempting another pregnancy. You can be medically screened by an IVF center during this time. Additionally, it is important that any breastfeeding or pumping of breast milk has been completed from a previous birth.

Q: What if I am still overweight from my last pregnancy?
A: Being overweight does not necessarily disqualify you from being a surrogate. The IVF physician that performs your medical evaluation will make this determination. If you are considered to be obese, you may not qualify. If this is a concern for you, please call our office and speak with a representative.

Q: As a surrogate, do you get to choose how many embryos to transfer?
A: Absolutely! Our surrogates are in complete control of how many embryos they are willing to receive during an embryo transfer. This topic will be discussed in your screening process, during the matching process, and then confirmed in your legal contract so that all parties agree prior to an embryo transfer.

Q: Can I go to my own OB once I am pregnant?
A: Yes, provided that your OB accepts the health insurance plan being utilized for the pregnancy. Together, you and your intended parents will decide upon the physician that cares for you during pregnancy. Many surrogates return to the physician that delivered their own children for the surrogate pregnancy.


Q: Why should I choose your agency over other surrogacy agencies?
A: Becoming a surrogate mother and choosing a surrogacy agency to align yourself with should be done with great care. West Coast Surrogacy distinguishes itself from the competition through the compassion, understanding and support we offer to each of our clients. Our agency began as a result of our founder’s experience having worked with infertile couples for most of her career, and having been a surrogate mother herself, experiencing a high risk multiple pregnancy that took her on an unexpected journey of triumph and joy. It is our mission to provide you with the resources to have the most rewarding, profound, and life-altering experience possible.

Q: Do you require an exclusivity agreement or can a surrogate work with multiple agencies?
A: As an agency, we are fully committed to our candidates and hope that you are in return. We trust that once you sign our Consent Forms, you have every intent to work solely with WCS. We are committed to finding an excellent match for you.


Q: What will my family and friends think about me being a surrogate?
A: Having the support of family and friends is so important to your surrogacy journey. While those conversations may seem challenging, we're happy to offer guidance on the best way to share information and anticipate different reactions.

Q: Do surrogates get too attached?
A: Though we understand why it seems like surrogates would grow attached to the baby during the pregnancy, many describe the experience as being completely different from what they felt during pregnancies for their own biological children. Knowing you are giving a gift to other parents changes the framework.

Q: What is surrogacy really like?
A: It’s difficult to put the journey into words, and that’s why we are so appreciative of WCS surrogates who are willing to share their experiences. Our Success Stories, which include perspectives from both surrogates and intended parents, paint a picture of what you may expect on your path and the joy you will bring to a growing family.

Become a Surrogate: Apply Today!