Tyler Zion

“Working with West Coast Surrogacy and West Coast Egg Donation has opened my eyes to the possibilities of creating the families that people want and that they deserve.”
– Tyler Zion, Administrative Assistant
Tyler joined the family business (his mother is West Coast Egg Donation President, Amy Kaplan) in January 2013. He will be that first friendly voice many people hear when they get in touch with WCED. Tyler, although not a surrogate or egg donor himself, has firsthand experience with his mother as a surrogate and an egg donor. “It was great to see my mom go through that and to see her develop these strong relationships with the families,” says Tyler. “I have a half-sister who is really close with the family. It’s amazing to have that part of our lives joined together.” This first-hand knowledge has informed his work at WCED and allows him to speak about surrogacy and egg donation from a unique, personal perspective. “I’m looking forward to finding more ways to be part of the growth of the agency.”