Ash Saverino

Perinatal Support Specialist/Case Coordinator
Ash Saverino has an extensive background in reproductive health and perinatal wellness, having worked in the field for over 10 years. Her experience includes roles as a holistic health practitioner, pregnancy and birth educator, and postpartum and parenting support specialist. She is also known for her work in creating programs for LGBTQ+ family building in partnership with organizations like the San Diego LGBT Center and Family Equality. Ash is dedicated to community care and advocacy for families of all kinds.

In her current role as a case manager with the West Coast Surrogacy team, Ash Saverino is enthusiastic about supporting individuals and families throughout their surrogacy journey. Her personal experience as a gestational surrogate in 2023 provides her with valuable insights and empathy for those going through a similar process.

Ash resides in California with her partner, with whom she has been together for 12 years, and their child who is almost 7 years old. In addition to her work, Ash and her partner operate a family-owned pottery business called Kin + Clay. They also have a passion for nature and outdoor activities and enjoy spending quality time in the mountains.

“Parenthood completely changed the lens I view the world from. It’s the most intense and beautiful love I’ve ever known. It’s what led me to surrogacy, hoping one day I could accomplish something so mentally, emotionally, and physically transformative to help someone else get to know that kind of love.”